Hello, I'm Evan Magnusson

Co-Founder 🚀

Hello 👋 I'm Evan Magnusson, a software engineer and co-founder of Brave Virtual Worlds. Currently, I am a fourth-year at the University of Virginia, majoring in Computer Engineering with a minor in Design Integration through the Technology Leaders Program.
In addition to coding, I enjoy outdoor activities such as skiing, rowing, and biking. I grew up skiing and mountain biking in the Rocky Mountains, specifically the beautiful city of Boise. ⛷
Stay tuned for Medium articles comprising technical how-tos and tech news compilations. I am currently spending my Winter break in Boise, working on Brave, blogging, and creating beats. 🎧
Welcome to my portfolio built with Gatsby, Rebass, and Contentful.
Mate Logo
BravePT is the integration of an embedded system with a mobile iOS application using Bluetooth Low Energy communication.
Audio FFT Analyzer
Scripts that take in an ultrasound .wav or .m4a file and outputs an FFT of the power spectral density using Welch's method. Developed for a UVA Systems Engineering Capstone.
FFT Screenshot
Created a Flutter App inspired by the CircularID™ protocol that communicates with an AWS database to track the lifecycle of enabled clothing.
Autonomous Greenhouse
Automatic heating, cooling, and watering controlled by HTTP. Developed Finite State Machines, Embedded C, PHP, MySQL, Voltage Dividers and Low Side Drivers.
Audio Visualizer
Circuit that takes in a musical signal and makes use of two light emitting diodes to signal the occurrence of highs and lows. We based our design on the song “Gold Digger” by Kanye West.
Coupling Circuit
Python was used for analytical design and selecting resistor and capacitor values based on the problem constraints. Multisim was used for numerical verification.
Coupling Circuit